
Senior hardware developer (Quectel XXX)

– 16 years of experience in software engineering for RTOS and Linux-based embedded systems. User-space and kernel-space programming domains
– Strong team player, good communication skills.
– Skills Category
– Programming


16 years of experience in software engineering for RTOS and Linux-based embedded systems. User-space and kernel-space programming domains
Strong team player, good communication skills.
Skills Category
Team leading
Skills List
C, assembler, POSIX shell scripting, makefiles, C++, HTML.
Python, Java
Embedded svstems. RTOS. Linux. Linux kernel. Linux kernel modules, device drivers, SMP, DMA, multi-threading, IPC, BSD sockets, general networking, IPv4, IPv6, TCP/IP, flash storages, MIPS, ARM, ATM, ADSL
gcc, gdb, make, git, svn, vim, Jira, trac, buildroot, openwrt
Set-top-boxes, WiFi routers
feature architecture and decomposition, s/w design, task-skill matching, mentoring
company acquisition experience (as aquiree)


1) Development of systems for collecting data from sensors (wired, wireless, network), edge computing. Development of sensors for data collection for various purposes, measuring devices (environmental parameters, temperature, pressure, gas, humidity).
2)Sensor Fusion – Processing data from sensors, suppression of interference from sensors.
3)Development of loT devices.
4)Trackers for athletes.
5) Health parameters sensors.
6) Noise immunity for body sensors.
7)Radar systems, lidars for robots, robot navigation.
8) Digital signal processing (DSP) creation of digital filters, spectral analysis, over-resolution signals.
9)Noise suppression, whitening filters, inverting filters based on adaptive lattice filters.
10)Wearable devices and gadgets:
– signal processing from wearable sensors, Kalman filters.
– super dense layout PCB and preparation for series production
– development of miniature boards based on components with BGA packages.
– encryption, creation of lock keys.
anti-jamming coding.
– creation of filters (FIR, IIR filters), adaptive filters
– Neural networks on STM32 edge computing
– smart and nanomaterials, sensors, leather.
– Altium Designer, Keil, IAR, C ++ Builder, Visual Studio, Matlab etc simulation of circuits in Multisim NI environment
– STM32, NRF52, NRF51, NRF24, ESP32, CC25XX CAN, ETHERNET, USB, WIFI, BLUETOOTH, Custom protocols, SD memory card and NOR flash memory
– Graphics displavs and GUI
– OLED and LCD displavs
– Flash memory (including with QuadSPI interface)
– Experience in developing low-power battery-powered devices
– Experience in using energy-saving power modes (sleep, shutdown, standby, stop mode)
– Experience lower power consumption by maximizing DMA and interrupts
– Experience Reducing Power Consumption by Real-Time Clock Control
– Experience with special calculator units (CORDIC, FPU), allowing to reduce the time of active calculations and go into energy-saving modes earlier
11)Smart house systems, condition sensors and monitoring.
12) Control systems for greenhouses watering plants, controllers of agricultural systems.
13) Solar panels and power supply, stabilizers.
14) Equipping devices with communication systems – WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, LoRa, GPS, LTE, 4G, CAN, TCP, UDP, GSM.
15) Equipping devices with communication systems – WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, LoRa, GPS, LTE, 4G, CAN, TCP, UDP, GSM.
15) Proprietary radio protocols. Creation of special radio protocols for noise-immune communication of devices with a fixed low delay. Available frequencies 300MHz – 7GHz.
16) Development of application software in C ++.
17)Mathematical and physical modeling in the Matlab system.
18)Creation of inertial systems, IMU modules. Stabilization systems, data processing from sensors – accelerometers, gyroscopes, compass.
19)Creation of robotic manipulator in the form of gloves and hands.
20)Automation systems in production, machine control.
21) Smart things, smart clothes.
22)Development of media facades, LED lighting, color music controllers. Interactive chandeliers with tracking.
23)Development of AR and VR applications in the Unreal Engine system, product demonstration for
sites, virtual tours.
24)Equipment for e-bikes, sensors and trackers for cars.
25)VR rooms, quest rooms, design with interactive rooms in shopping centers.
26)Tracking, indoor location, outdoor location. Navigation systems.